We are excited to announce that on April 4th, 2020, Sabal Trust Company, the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Department and JVS Contracting will be hosting the 6th annual Palm Harbor Spring Fling 5k fundraiser at Wall Springs Park in Palm Harbor to honor the memory and wishes of 10 year old Elisa Nelson. In just over 5 years, we have raised nearly $2,000,000 for charities in Elisa’s name with over $900,000 coming from last year’s race alone and thanks to the Pinellas Education Foundation, 100% of the money received went to Elisa’s adopted charities. Last year we had over 900 participants and another 100 plus volunteers and spectators and word is spreading about Elisa’s race so we expect an even bigger turnout next year.
Register for the 2020 Race!
We would like thank the entire Palm Harbor community for all of the support for Elisa regarding the naming of the new Elementary School in Palm Harbor. Incidentally, the school’s mascot is the “Brilliant Blazers” (a breed of American horse traced back to a single stallion), Elisa’s Favorite book was Black Beauty. Just another coincidence?

Wish Granted!
“I wish to go on a Disney Cruise”
Elisa's Photos